Saturday, 17 June 2017


This blog post is the second part of a blog topic I started here about this YouTube versus Vidme issue that seems to be causing quite a stir lately, for some reason. Here are some more reasons why Vidme is the yappy little chihuahua trying to assert its influence with a rottweiler we'll affectionately refer to as YouTube.

Site Layout This is especially important if you are a creator - or if you stand any chance of being able to explore the site in a user-friendly way. Vidme's layout mimics that of a computer project submitted by a 13 year-old. And not even an especially bright 13 year-old at that. Don't believe me? Try to search for a particular channel or a type of video on Vidme. You get about two letters in to your request, and the Vidme search engine has already decided you are done typing now. All of these channels, many of which seem like they are named after the product codes at Best Buy, pop up as well as some video thumbnails you have absolutely no interest in. Serious frustration.

Analytics Long story short, they exist on YouTube. They don't on Vidme. You want to get a better understanding of how your video is performing on Vidme? Look at the upvotes and the views, dumbass. And leave us alone. We're making another video about how everyone is dumber than us. And yes, those are the head honchos.

Community Where do I begin? There are very decent people on Vidme, who I feel bad for daily because I have seen what else is there. Much like Minds, it is a site run by and for internet trolls essentially. And this is why they are always looking for some sort of bullshit fight - be it with other people on Vidme, or with the YouTube community at large. I am not saying that YouTube is perfect in this regard, but when you encounter a troll on YouTube, you realize that the ratio of trolls to sane people is very different. The above picture is a thumbnail from a video complaining about our Keemstar because he had the audacity to compare Vidme to an 8 year-old's birthday party. While I agree with him to some extent, I would add a clown with a machine gun into the mix. And that's why YouTube is not going anywhere (certainly not any time soon).  We have better things to do than pick a fight with a video sharing site who is constantly out to prove how irrelevant they really are.

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