Thursday 1 June 2017


Are you too sensitive? Society may want you to believe that. Society may want you to take this short quiz to further convince you that you are being a hyper-emotional stick-in-the-mud. So let's see what questions "society" would concoct to prove that you are being too sensitive in this very fair and forgiving world.

1. Have you ever been called an SJW or beta-cuck for saying the maltreatment of yourself or another person is unfair and not funny? For bullies, one of the worst insults they feel they can lob in your general direction is "SJW" or "beta-cuck". It is meant to indicate to everyone that they have "won" this battle with their sparkling wit and enviable sense of humor.

2. Have you ever been told to leave an online discussion because you contributed an unpopular opinion or simply suggested yourself or another person not be attacked so openly? I always find it comical that bullies will go to great lengths to upset and undermine another's self-esteem for the sole purpose of proving that person is too sensitive. Perhaps the person who is "too sensitive" is the person who needs so badly to prove how tough and yet completely well-adjusted they are.

3. Have you ever unsubscribed to video channels because you find the creator's treatment of others disgusting? I think we all know these channels. They spend 15 solid minutes decimating the creator of a particular video, include the link to the original video below "so you can see it for yourself" and cover their ass by saying they do not encourage anyone to troll that person. Sure you don't. Everyone realizes you're just trying to keep your channel from getting banned. But your viewers know what to do. They don't just watch one channel like this - they watch a whole bunch. Don't worry - they know the drill.

4. Have you ever come in contact with a bully who needs to virtue-signal to you about their Troll Pride? Oh, the bizarre things people try to rationalize. The essence of it is that they are a troll and proud of it, like it's a badge of honor. They don't care if others get hurt because, after all, this is their calling in life. Thank you for your service, Satan.

5. Finally, do you have trouble understanding this "calling" when there are so many more constructive things people can do with their time? The fact that people make this part of their identity, go out of their way to upset others, and never even try to take up astronomy or stamp-collecting - does this make sense to you? Yeah, me neither.

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, congratulations. You are officially "too sensitive". But hey, you are in good company. We  are the artists, the philosophers, the people who will change the world. And we welcome you with open arms.

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