Wednesday 21 June 2017


This should be a fairly short blog post. I have no theory about Onision really. I know his real name is Greg, and that ends the knowledge I have of him. The rest is just hearsay. And that's my point. 

Onision seems to be one of those YouTube creators that people love to hate. People gossip about him, throw shade his way, and when he responds in kind, he is the asshole in the situation. I am not saying he is a saint. I am sure he has his shortcomings just like everyone else. I am also sure that the creators who want to call him out are really just looking for more subs. And so they use his notoriety to achieve that. In the process all kinds of negative drama is created on YouTube for no good reason.

I wouldn't smile much either if I were him. I am not a fan of his by any means, but it's every day with this crap. Think I never had an issue with any other YouTube creators? Yes, of course I have. In some cases the issues have carried forward until today. But I refuse to use my channel, as small a voice as it is, to create drama like this just for views and subs. As I said in an email to a very close friend (and fellow YouTube creator) recently, "I would rather have ten honest subs than a ton of dishonest ones." We need more positivity on social media, as well as life in general. And if you are a believer in karma, you are only hurting yourself in the end. 

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