Sunday 30 April 2017

BEHIND THE ARTWORK: Community Service

Ever have a song going through your head that refuses to go away? All I could think of was the song "Tears Of A Clown" by Smokey Robinson. I find there are three possible ways to get that song out of my head: 1) listen to the entire song; 2) write a poem about it; or 3) draw an image that reminds me of the song. And that's how I began drawing the sad clown picture I call Community Service.

I did not want to draw a happy clown, obviously. Originally there would be tears on the clown's cheeks, relating to the song. But then I thought it would make for a good image if the clown had stubble on his face. I thought it would add to the look of sadness. After adding the stubble, I realized that the clown represented something else to me now. He represented the idea of being forced to do something that is meant to be pleasant. Even if something is seen as a pleasant or fun activity doesn't mean it feels that way for everyone. Yes, this clown is sad. He is sad because he has led a very shady life up until now that has led to being forced to become a clown. This is the last thing he wants in his life.

Note: I still can't get that song out of my head. I posted the video from YouTube below, in case you want to know more about the song I am referring to.

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