Sunday 7 May 2017


I once read something very important and I have never forgotten it: When you see a small child you should smile at them, so that they know there is good in the world. I am paraphrasing, but that was the basic idea. Just recently I discovered some cute and funny videos that showcased a 2-year-old girl named Mila. The last one I watched was about how difficult and demanding she was finding motherhood with her baby doll. At that point it had been shared thousands of times on Facebook alone. It was so adorable, I watched it a few times before visiting the Facebook page that these videos originated from. 

When I went to the page (which I will link below) I discovered that there were several other videos of Mila giving her observations on life. Also, her mother is a photographer and shared a number of pictures of both Mila and one of her siblings. I noticed that above one of the videos, she posted a disclaimer of sorts saying this video was done in the spirit of fun. I wondered why she would feel the need to point that out. Then I read some of the comments.

  • "Someone's parents want a spot on Ellen!"
  • "Yeah. this isn't even cute because she's obviously been told what to say."
  • "It's totally staged and total exploitation."
  • "Every video I've seen of her looks scripted. Bums me out because I'll be excited to see a cute video then it'll be bs."
  • "Literally all of them are like that. They're annoying."

Am I missing something here?? These videos are meant to entertain, however they come about. There is a huge amount of hate in this world. Can't we stop and enjoy something that's meant to touch the heart in some way? Being on social media as much as I am on a daily basis, I do end up seeing things I am not crazy about. But I try to make a point of scrolling on. Then when I find something creative or inspiring, that's when I'll leave my comment. What's so difficult about that??

Mila's Facebook Page!

Mila's Website!

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