Monday 8 May 2017


I like to think of myself as someone who has a fairly decent sense of humour. But for the life of me I can't understand why Adolf Hitler has risen in popularity again. And with that, anti-semitism is making a strong comeback as well. I am not now nor was I ever Jewish, but if I was, this would alarm me greatly. Especially if I had relatives who died in the Holocaust. 

Disclosure Time: I had a relative who fought in Hitler's army. It was certainly not by choice. Some of Hitler's soldiers showed up at his home with a gun. He did not want to join Hitler's army. They told him that if he did not come with them, he would be shot and killed right then and there while his wife and small children looked on. So he went. He was only fighting for a couple of years when he was injured in (what used to be) Czechoslovakia and was sent home. I never got a chance to ask him what horrors he witnessed, and I don't know if I could handle it if he told me. 

Is this where the resurgence of Hitler's popularity began?? I know that the term "feminazis" has been in existence for quite a number of years now. But somewhere along the line the tables got turned and suddenly being called a nazi wasn't a bad thing. While I don't regularly comment on YouTube videos, I sometimes read the comments out of wanting to learn more about the types of people who have chosen to view a particular video and why. As far as I know, "feminazi" is still a derogatory term as far as feminists are concerned. But for social conservatives it seems that Hitler has become a meme and something of a folk hero.

I have seen Hitler referred to as "Daddy" numerous times in the comment section, and fan art is created for some YouTubers that incorporates Hitler in a positive light. In some cases the fan art is featured in the video, and the YouTuber makes light of it and seems oddly flattered by the comparison. Why someone would find a comparison between themselves and Hitler flattering is beyond me. 

The fact is that there are 6+ million Jews who died in the Holocaust. And if you are fortunate enough to have no links to this horrible time in history, then you are one of the lucky ones. But it saddens me to think that a whole generation of kids are growing up with this "meme" and thinking Hitler is "cool". There is nothing cool about war. There is nothing cool about death. And there is nothing cool about needless suffering just because of who you happen to be. Think about it. 

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