Sunday 21 May 2017


It seems as if I have encountered my fair share of trolls lately, but as a creative person that is something you can expect. It is not as though I cannot take criticism at all, but there is a way to offer that criticism in a constructive way that still give the creator some respect as a fellow human being. I encountered one particularly difficult one on Facebook yesterday, but the reason that was difficult was the fact that I thought we were friends from our YouTube days. Also the implication that, while hating my voice and thinking I need to do the world a favour and stop singing, he kept listening to my songs. Why??? If you are not a troll, then why??? If I don't like a singer I can pretty much figure that out after attempting to listen to one song from this person. And then I don't act like an internet troll; I just don't click on their links anymore. And today there was this winner:

If you are looking for premier trolls (rather than ones that just half-ass it), I highly recommend checking out Minds. They really put the time and effort into decimating their target. Notice the way in which he managed to not only insult my singing but he incorporated a fat joke in there as well. Ah, the poetry of it all. I imagine that in the future DeviantArt will have a category for Troll Mastery, because that is definitely becoming an art form. And catching me when I am unaware was the kiss of perfection - after I received favourites on both Soundcloud and Audiomack, why would I expect this? Nope, I didn't see it coming. And that led to this response:

I am utterly tired of it, all of it. I am tired of being hyper-vigilant on Minds because I don't want to be a target simply because I have an opinion or something of myself to offer in a creative sort of way. They did "boost" my post after all (meaning I offer up "points" to share it across a wider audience). But what about next time? How many times am I going to put up with this crap in order to remain on a site that lets these trolls run wild? I guess that remains to be seen...

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